Gimme some horror movie cliches wouldja?
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Gotta comment on this one.

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LoneStranger's avatar
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SXGodzilla's avatar
the power cuts out... it always cuts out.

cars won't start when they absolutely need to.

proceedings will always have some connection to some random-as-shit local legend or myth.

nobody will believe said myth or legend until it's too late. Doubly so if they're authority figures.

nobody will believe those 'darn teenagers' until it's too late. Because they're clearly joking about gruesome murders/unexplained disappearances/etc. because that's something someone would do in the middle of the night.

They'll never close the beaches/resort/park/etc. until it's too late. Because money.

That or they won't reschedule the party/celebration/festival/dance until it's too late. Because money.

"Spring-loaded Cat" jump scares. Especially so during a tense moment.

Killer/Monster/Ghoul/etc. is usually conveniently waiting for said jump scare to occur to creep up on said scare victim.

Would-be victims always seem to run up a flight of stairs (to their room) or into the bathroom instead of OUT of the house when a killer/monster/ghoul/etc. is chasing them.